Film & Animation Dragon Stories

Matching Stories results

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Josh Clarke

Meet Josh Clarke, the new Veterans Resource Outreach Director at MSU Moorhead. Josh is the university-wide contact for Veterans Service and leads new enrollment and retention strategies for Veterans and military-connected students and their families.

Anthropology student nominated for prestigious Goldwater Scholarship

Samantha Peterson (‘25) has been nominated for the Goldwater Scholarship for her dedication to anthropology research. 

MSUM’s unbeatable affordability and quality education attracts Kansas student

Freshman Megan Overly traveled from Kansas to attend MSU Moorhead. She was drawn to MSUM's perfect size, quality education, and affordability for out-of-state students.

Building a Legacy: Brent Hasslen ‘94

Hasslen Construction Co., Inc. owner Brent Hasslen ‘94 is building a legacy that spans generations.

Mental health professional scarcity spurs creative solutions

Laura Odgren earns her Specialist in School Psychology in a creative partnership through MSUM and schools.

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Micah Von Bank

Meet Micah Von Bank, the assistant director of accessibility resources. Micah works directly with students to help them find accommodations to have an equitable experience at MSUM.

Nontraditional Solutions

Zachary Davis's (‘23) education as a nontraditional student helps him as the business owner of Z3D Solutions. 

There's no place like home

Moorhead Mayor Shelly Carlson believes that the future of Moorhead and of MSUM are intertwined, as college students thrive along with their community.

MSUM nursing professor provides life-saving aid during an emergency flight landing

Jill Holmstrom, professor of nursing, was the only medically trained person onboard a flight when a medical emergency took place, causing the plane to make an emergency landing.

DECA prepares MSUM students for careers in business

MSUM students Isabel Olson and Kobey Block share their involvement in DECA and how it has improved their college experience.

Be ready to ROAR: Career readiness at MSUM

Julie Maahs, assistant director for career readiness, relies on her extensive resume and career program experience to help students develop key career readiness skills. 

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Emily Tiefenthaler

Meet MSUM's admissions representative, Emily Tiefenthaler. Emily works with recruiting and campus visits as well as meeting with prospective students.