Policies Under Review

The Policy Administrator (ex-Officio, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Finance & Administration) coordinates the regular review, revision and elimination of University policies, ensuring that all University policies are reviewed in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders (students, faculty and staff). Read the University Policy Review Procedure.

Request Policy Review

In addition to the annual call for policy review recommendations, policies that warrant review can be submitted throughout the year to either the policy custodian (named on existing policies) or the policy administrator. The Policy Review Request Form is to be completed for a policy to be considered for review.

Submit the policy review request form along with the policy in a Microsoft Word document using the track changes feature to indicate proposed policy language changes. Contact the policy administrator for questions or assistance.

Track Changes

Any policy being reviewed will be required to use the track changes feature in Microsoft Word. This will aid in the campus community’s ability to see current and proposed language changes to the policy.

Meet & Confer

Policies under review will be a regular Meet & Confer agenda item, added to the meeting agenda by University administration.

Once policy changes have been proposed, Administration will provide a summary of the proposed changes at a Meet & Confer meeting. The policy review period will then start and the proposed changes will be under review for a minimum of 20 instructional days.

After the policy review period has closed, a final draft of the policy will be presented at Faculty Senate followed by a Meet & Confer meeting. Following this Meet & Confer, bargaining unit members have up to 10 days to provide additional feedback. If further consultation on the proposed policy language is needed, the policy will be tabled and reviewed at another Meet & Confer meeting. If no further consultation on the proposed policy language is needed, the policy will be finalized after the 10-day period and posted to the policies web site.

Policies In Review

The policy review request forms below list a brief description of proposed changes to the policy language and the date changes should go into effect.

Annual Policy Review Calendar 2024-2025

Activity Date
Fall 2024  
Track changes version of proposed policy changes due to Policy Administrator. September 9
Policy Administrator posts proposed policy changes on the website & attaches summary to the M&C agendas September 18
Administration provides summary of proposed policy changes at Meet & Confer September 19
Fall Policy Review Period Begins (lasts a minimum of 20 instructional days) September 19
Fall Policy Review Period Ends October 17
Faculty Senate Final Drafts Presented November 26
Meet & Confer Final Drafts Presented December 12
Bargaining units deadline for policy feedback. (at least 10 days after M&C) December 23
Spring 2025   
Track changes version of proposed policy changes due to Policy Administrator. February 10
Policy Administrator posts proposed policy changes on the website & attaches summary to the M&C agendas. February 17-19
Administration provides summary of proposed policy changes at Meet & Confer February 20
Spring Policy Review Period Begins (lasts a minimum of 20 instructional days) February 20
Spring Policy Review Period Ends April 4
Administration to present final drafts at Faculty Senate April 22
Administration to present final drafts at Meet & Confer May 8
Bargaining units deadline for policy feedback. (at least 10 days after M&C) May 19