5 tips on enjoying your college experience to the fullest

Your college experience is about more than the classes you take. It's about friendship, connection, and experiences you're unlikely to find anywhere else. These tips can help you make the most of your time at MSUM.

1. Get involved on campus
There is always something going on around campus. Find something that is interesting to you, but don’t feel like you have to go alone. Ask a classmate, roommate or invite someone from your floor. Even if you do go alone, I promise you will meet someone there with similar interests! See what’s going on around campus on DragonCentral. Download the Corq App to stay up-to-date with everything MSUM.

2. Get plugged in
Once you find something you enjoy, keep going! The opportunities are endless and there really is something for everyone. There are intramuralslearning communities, religious groups, clubs, organizations, etc. It’s so great to have a group of people that you have something in common with, plus there is always something to look forward to!

3. You’re not too cool for school
Put yourself out there, attend events that you want to go to. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Here at MSUM, we pride ourselves on having a diverse campus. Being different is cool and exciting.

4. Take some “me” time
Sure, there is a lot to do, but careful not to overbook yourself. Remember to take naps and always take care of yourself first.

5. Have fun!
Remember what you’re here for. You’ve worked hard to be in school and you should be so thankful for an opportunity to grow and find who you are, without taking things too seriously. Enjoy your time here at MSUM.

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