English Dragon Stories

Matching Stories results

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Sandie Salisbury

Meet MSUM's new director of Institutional Research and Reporting, Sandie Salisbury. She conducts research and surveys on campus and helps with enrollment.

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Katie Demuth

Meet Katie Demuth, MSUM's assistant director of First Year Recruitment. Katie works with incoming students to help them choose and apply to MSUM.


Let me create my own name

Simone LeClaire’s films are a study of self-expression and exploration. The MSUM film production graduate is a recipient of the Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship.

Providing Safe Places

Erienne Fawcett is passionate about creating safe and welcoming areas for students.

Finding Solutions by Helping the Forgotten

Miranda Bernier found her passion at MSUM and has become a school psychologist, making a difference in kids lives everyday.

Art education alum turned one-woman business

Catie Miller is an artist turned one-woman business. She has used her art degrees to benefit the community we know and love.

Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Micheal Mellon

Meet Micheal Mellon, a new general maintenance worker for the CMU administrative offices. He keeps the CMU running cleanly and efficiently. 

The Value of Online Construction Surveying

Construction management Assistant Professor John Green, PE., explains why MSUM's online construction surveying course is valuable for students and who might benefit the most from this delivery method. 

Goodbye Moorhead

President Anne Blackhurst says goodbye after 12 years at MSUM.

The Road to Miss Minnesota

Digital media management student Angelina Amerigo is showing what it means to apply classroom knowledge to its fullest potential.   

From Sidelines to Super Bowl

Photojournalism graduate, Phillip Melroe, had a hand in game-day experience at the Super Bowl.

Once a Dragon, Always a Dragon

As President Anne Blackhurst nears her retirement, MSUM has only one thing to say: Thank you, Anne.