Chemistry Education Learning Opportunities

As a Chemistry Education major, you’ll gain valuable real-world experience outside of the classroom when you join organizations, attend conferences, and conduct research with professors and peers. By participating in these experiential learning opportunities, you’ll build a powerful resume and significantly expand your knowledge while having fun.

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Club (CBC) promotes chemistry to the university and surrounding community by participating in outreach activities to teach chemistry principles and generate an interest in science among students, teachers and the community. The Chemistry Department’s close, collegial atmosphere extends to the CBC, which fosters friendships, develops leadership skills, promotes volunteerism and encourages professional development.

The Biosciences Department offers you the opportunity to be a Learning Assistant for courses you have already taken. It’s a competitive selection process and a privilege that not only deepens your topic knowledge but provides valuable teaching experience.

If you want to live in an educational environment surrounded by others with the same passion for biosciences, this learning community is for you. The  Science & Health Learning Community  is for declared Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry or Biotechnology majors. You’ll get to participate in hands-on labs with fellow students while preparing for a science or health-related career. Or, you can choose to live in an Education Learning Community, which is for any student majoring in an education.