Outdoor Sound Amplification Policy

Custodian of Policy: VP Finance & Administration

Effective Date: Current

Last Review: Spring 2022

Next Review: Spring 2029


It is the policy of Minnesota State University Moorhead to provide a safe environment for all students, employees, visitors and guests by establishing and enforcing regulations for sound amplification on campus and any other property controlled by the university. This policy and any related procedures apply to all areas and all members of the campus community, as well as all individuals using the campus grounds or buildings, including leased properties.

To minimize disruption of normal university operations, outdoor amplification is not generally permitted without prior approval. Decisions concerning the use of amplification will be made on a content-neutral basis. If the contents of the message violate university policy (negatively targeting individuals or groups of people with the appearance of intending to inflict physical or psychological harm) the event will be immediately terminated by the university. The university respects and defends the right of individuals or groups to express viewpoints and encourages those who oppose events to express their views through appropriate channels. The university community does not tolerate behavior that discriminates on the basis of race; color; national and ethnic origin; sexual orientation; age; religion; creed; disability; marital status; status with regard to public assistance; or membership or activity in state or local commissions.

Any individual or organization associated with MSUM (on/off campus) can request approval for an outdoor sound amplification event. Outdoor amplification events are allowed between the hours of 11 am - 1 pm weekdays when classes are in session; 5 pm - 9 pm weekdays and 11 am - 11 pm on weekends. The utilization of amplification equipment will not exceed six hours in duration for any event.

Complete a sound amplification request which can be obtained at the MSUM Public Safety Office (1616 9th Ave. S.) or at www.mnstate.edu/publicsafety. The request form must be completed and submitted to the Director of Public Safety for approval one week prior to the event or it may be denied. If the amplification of sound may be heard in surrounding neighborhoods, a sound amplification permit request must be submitted to the City of Moorhead, (these forms can be obtained at the same locations as the MSUM permit). Note that approval by the City of Moorhead does not guarantee approval by the Director of Public Safety.

Violations of this policy should be reported to MSUM Public Safety.

Rationale and Guiding Principles

Content must never be censored or regulated.

The exercise of free speech should not be disruptive to classes or administrative offices.

The exercise of free speech must never endanger the safety of those on our campus.