Interdisciplinary Center for Diversity & Social Justice

The Interdisciplinary Center for Diversity and Social Justice offers education that will prepare students to live and work in an increasingly diverse world.

Our center will:

  • hone, develop and strategically deploy curricula that prepares students to work across varied cultures;
  • work to increase cultural sensitivities and competencies of the MSUM campus culture;
  • create a supportive environment for students, faculty and staff from diverse social and cultural backgrounds with respect to race, gender, ability, and sexual orientation.

The Interdisciplinary Center for Diversity and Social Justice is comprised of faculty and staff from 13 departments, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and the Women’s Center.


To create a vibrant interdisciplinary space on campus for faculty, students and staff who wish to connect in order to grow diversity and social justice curriculum, research, ideas, programs and communities.


We envision an interdisciplinary center that:

  • educates and empowers students who wish to make a difference by providing them with the knowledge and tools they will need to change the world.
  • supports interdisciplinary scholarship and pedagogy on interdisciplinary diversity, inclusion and social justice.
  • supports partnerships between community and corporate advocates and university scholars working on diversity and social justice.
  • encourages synergistic engagement between faculty and students on research, scholarship and pedagogy focusing on interdisciplinary diversity, inclusion and social justice.
  • promotes and supports symposia and/or colloquia for the critical engagement of diversity and social justice issues affecting the community and nation.
  • contributes to the university’s curriculum and pedagogy on diversity and social justice issues through center-based, collaborative and interdisciplinary course offerings.
  • provides an on-campus site for faculty, staff, students, and community stakeholders to share, communicate, and exchange ideas and experiences on their diversity and social justice pedagogy/research/service.