College for Kids & Teens Frequently Asked Questions

Where will the classes be held?
College for Kids & Teens classes will be held on the MSUM campus unless noted otherwise in the course description. 

What does my student do for lunch if he/she is staying all day?
Students that are staying all day are asked to bring bag lunch, if it needs to be refrigerated please make sure to tell the Director. There will be a microwave available if anything needs to be warmed up. The College for Kids & Teens staff will supervise students during lunch time.

Who do I call if I have questions?
You can contact us at 218.477.2579 or

What is the age requirement?
There are different age requirements for different courses, it will be specified for each class when viewing them online. Coursework is designed specifically for age group subsets within the range indicated on the course description. Please keep in mind your child’s maturity level when registering them for courses.

What is the cost per class?
The costs of each class vary between online, in-person (half day), in-person (full day). Each class includes all the material costs that come with the class. Please refer to the course descriptions for the cost of a specific class.

Where can I get a brochure?
Brochures are available by downloading the printable pdf, by contacting the Center for Engaged Learning at 218.477.4514 or by requesting one via

How do I register?
You can register by going to the College for Kids & Teens registration portal and following the screen prompts.

Are there any promotions or discounts available?
Register your child before May 16th to take advantage of our ‘Early Bird Special’ that applies a 10% discount to all courses over $50.00. This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts.
MSUM Alumni also receive a 10% discount on all courses over $50.00. In order to be eligible for the discount, Alumni must be an MSUM graduate. Appropriate graduation year must be submitted upon course registration in user profile. Alumni registration are verified through the MSUM Alumni & Foundation.

Can parents visit the class?
Some classes will have material to display or presentations and the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified in advance if that is the case. If there is not a specific mention of a display or presentation you can always talk to the instructor on the first day to see if it is okay to visit the class.

Parent Consent/General Liability agreement
All participants must complete the Parental Consent waiver on the registration page in order to register for courses. It is imperative that our staff has up to date contact information and is able to contact a parent/guardian in case of injury, illness, or disciplinary problems. Please be sure to provide a phone number where you or a responsible party can be reached during the times your child is enrolled in class. This general consent waiver includes permissions for your child to receive medical treatment in the event of an injury, accident, or illness and also gives permission to MSUM to utilize pictures, recordings, and other program involvement by your child for the sole purpose of marketing & advertisement of the program. If your child cannot have their picture taken for any reason, please notify the camp office.

What do I do if my child misses class or must leave early?
If your child will miss or needs to be excused early from class, you must notify the College for Kids & Teens office prior to class. Instructors will not allow students to leave class early for any reason without notifying the College for Kids & Teens office. Refunds will not be given for missed days or participant conflicts.

How can I know what sessions are full?
Sessions do fill quickly, so early registration is always recommended. Course enrollment can be viewed on the registration webpage.

How do I get my child on a waitlist if a class is full?
If your child is interested in a class that is currently full, please contact the camp director at to be placed on a waitlist. If space in the class becomes available, waitlist participants will be contacted by camp staff.

When will I receive confirmation information for my son/daughter's class(es)?
Once we receive your registration you will receive an email stating the course(s) registered for and the amount due. Once full payment is received a confirmation email will be sent stating that your balance is paid. Also, before classes start you will receive an email that will provide information regarding the classes they are registered for, complete instructions on drop off and pick up locations and any special items your child should bring.

What is the cancellation/refund policy?
The Activity refund/cancellation policies for MSUM’s College for Kids & Teens program is as follows:

  • Participant registration fees are required in order to offset costs associated with providing College for Kids & Teens programming. Therefore, MSUM reserves the right to cancel any course that has not reached its break-even number of participants. If the University cancels the event, participants will be refunded in full. If individuals choose not to attend, outlined cancellation/refund policy below applies.
  • All requests for refunds must be made by email ( or mail College for Kids & Teens – MSUM, 1104 7th Ave S., Moorhead, MN, 56563. Requests for refunds will be honored on the date they are received by MSUM.
  • Once a program begins, no refund or credit will be given. This includes missed days/classes.
  • A 25% deposit of the course registration is due at the time of sign-up. This is considered a down payment is subject to the refund policy outlined below. The remaining balance is due before the first day of camp. 
  • To be considered for a refund, requests for such must come 7 days prior to the start of the program. These requests may receive up to a 50% refund. 
  • Requests for refunds made greater than 14 days prior will be entitled to a full refund minus a $10.00 processing fee.
  • Credit/Debit cards will be refunded back on the card that was used. Cash and check registrations will be refunded in the form of a check. Additional paperwork is required to receive refunds from cash/check payments (W-9 and local check request form). Credit/Debit card payments are strongly encouraged.

For all cancellation/refund questions please contact College for Kids & Teens by email or telephone 218.477.2579.

Minnesota State system Policies & Procedures

What is your shipping procedure?
No items will be shipped as a result of enrollment in this camp.