Leadership & Learning Department Learning Opportunities

MSUM’s Leadership & Learning online programs are relationship and reflection focused. Faculty will guide you on your leadership journey while providing relevant learning opportunities and applicable field experience that develop your skills and build leadership capacity. Collaborate and connect with other aspiring leaders throughout the region to grow personally and professionally.

MSUM’s Leadership & Learning Department has published The Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL), a peer-reviewed open-access journal hosted by RED, its institutional repository. The journal’s scope features educational research from the P-12 to the postsecondary level. As an open-access journal, the IJGLL editors and authors agree to provide free access and downloads of all of its contents to the general public. The IJGLL publishes twice a year, Spring/May and Winter/November, and accepts manuscript submissions of original research from practitioners, faculty, and graduate students with the common goal of impacting instruction and leadership in P-12 or higher education.