Get Involved at the Women's Center

The Campus Feminist Organization is an activist group geared toward challenging the patriarchy in all its forms. They work to eliminate sexism, racism, classism, and other forms of oppression. Each year, they co-sponsor Take Back the Night and a production of The Vagina Monologues, bring inspiring women speakers to campus, and help educate the MSUM campus about feminist issues.

Thursdays at 4:00pm in the Women's Center

Open to students of all gender identities.


The Women’s Center welcomes student volunteers who are interested in learning more about the center and its work, and who are committed to building a more inclusive campus environment. Volunteers have the opportunity to assist with publicizing the center and its programming, staffing upcoming events, or contributing in other ways based on their unique skills and talents.

Propose an Event or Program

The Women’s Center is committed to collaborating with campus and community partners to bring fun, educational, and timely events to the MSUM community that address issues of gender and critical social justice.

Want to volunteer or have an idea for an event, program, or topic you’d like to see addressed on campus? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us to share your idea.