Academic Coaching Request

Academic Coaching is a one-on-one process of helping students identify their challenges, then devising a personal plan to build an effective set of skills such as time management, study skills, organization and/or test taking skills. Academic Coaches help tremendously with your accountability towards meeting your academic goals!

When meeting with an Academic Coach, we would like for you to keep a few things in mind: Each coaching session will last approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on your needs. There is no limit to the number of appointments you may have with an Academic Coach, however, we ask that you commit to a minimum of 4 sessions throughout the semester.

Please keep your scheduled appointments. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please do so with as much advance notice as possible. This allows us to schedule another student during that time.

Come prepared with questions! Think about where you are having difficulty and what you would like to address. Being ready when you meet with your academic coach makes for a productive session!

All official University business will be conducted via email accounts. It is essential that you access, read and use your account.

If you are unable to complete this form due to your disability, please contact the Director of Accessibility Resources and assistance will be arranged.