Care Team Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the Minnesota State University Moorhead Care Team.

  1. Is the report I submit about a student confidential?
    The CARE team works collaboratively to provide confidential, respectful, and proactive support while offering resources and balancing the educational needs of students within the overall mission of the University.
  2. Can I submit a report anonymously?
    When you are concerned about a student, we encourage you to speak directly with the student about the fact that you are concerned about the student and are going to submit a CARE Report. We understand this is not always possible. In instances when you would like to keep the fact that you submitted a CARE Report confidential, please indicate this in the CARE Report. It is important to note, however, that confidentiality cannot be kept at all times and students may realize that you submitted a report through less-direct ways (i.e., details related to that incident, information only shared by the student with one person on campus).
  3. What will happen when I submit a report? Will you contact the student?
    When you submit a report, the CARE Team members receive a copy of the report. The team takes into consideration what is provided in the report. The team works on gathering any available information about the student and circumstances of concern. There are times the team reaches out to the person who made the report, directly to the student, or indirectly to the student through known contacts.
  4. Who can submit a report?
    Any individual is welcome to submit a CARE Report. Most often those submitting a report are faculty, staff, students, or parents.
  5. Is my concern serious enough to warrant a report or should I handle it myself?
    Please know that the CARE Team reviews and considers assistance for all reports submitted. There is no threshold for what is serious enough for someone to submit a report. If in doubt, go ahead and submit a report.
  6. If my concern for the student is not about school can I still submit a report?
    Yes. We know that students spend time outside of class and off campus. We also know that there are a number of influences and challenges students face beyond their academic work. Please know that the CARE Team reviews and considers assistance for all reports submitted.
  7. Should I fill out a report if the student needs immediate attention?
    If a student needs immediate attention, please contact 911 or MSUM Public Safety. After the crisis has been addressed, a CARE team report can be made. Please note that CARE Team submissions are typically monitored during office hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm)
  8. What concerns are typically referred to the CARE Team?
    Students with behavioral or mental health concerns or experiencing challenges in their personal lives that result in disruptive behavior or cause one to be very worried about a student’s wellbeing are most often reported to the CARE Team. This includes a student experiencing suicidal ideation, emotional distress, significant losses, or physical ailments.
  9. How can I identify and respond to a student in distress?
    It is important to consider if the student is in crisis or experiencing stress. For a student in crisis, their usual style of coping is no longer effective, and their emotional or physiological response begins to escalate. If a student is in a serious mental health crisis, you might see or hear the student making statements about suicide, having panic reactions, being unable to communication, or being highly disruptive.
    If you believe there might be an imminent danger of harm to the student or someone else, immediately call 911 or MSUM Public Safety. Doing this is an excellent way to show your concern and support.
    For students with an elevated level of stress, you might see uncharacteristic changes in performance or attendance, depressed mood, social withdrawal, and requests for special consideration.
    If you believe a student is experiencing stress, consider how you might be helpful to them. You may talk to the student in private, offering concern in a direct and nonjudgmental manner where you listen sensitively and offer a referral to Counseling Services or the Dean of Students Office. You are encouraged to follow up and check in with the student later to find out how they are doing. Please feel free to contact a member of the CARE Team if you would like to talk through how you might go about this conversation.
  10. When and how can I refer a student to Counseling Services?
    MSUM Counseling Services offers free and confidential mental health, alcohol and drug, sexual assault and violence counseling. Students are encouraged to complete an Intake Form on the Counseling Services website to get scheduled with one of our counselors.
  11. How do I know if the student has already been referred to the CARE Team?
    The CARE Team welcomes all reports of concerns of student behaviors or circumstances. The team keeps track of instances where one student may have multiple reports.
  12. How do I know the team received my report?
    All members of the CARE Team receive a copy of the report upon submission and one team member will confirm receipt of the report.
  13. Are CARE Team reports only for undergraduate students? What about students studying abroad?
    CARE Team reports can be made for any MSUM students. Typically, our resources are available to enrolled students; however, we will assess how best to offer support and services to any student.
  14. Does CARE Team provide training on how to help students of concern?
    The CARE Team welcomes invitations and opportunities to connect with faculty and staff about the functions of the team. The Dean of Students Office also offers additional training, such as Mental Health First Aid. If you are interested in more information or hosting a training, please contact the Dean of Students Office.
  15. If I’m contacted by a member of the CARE Team am I in trouble?
    No. The CARE Team recognizes that there are times when the person who made the referral is a necessary part of the follow up plan in connecting and responding to the student. We are partners in meeting the needs of our students.